Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)
STSMs are primarily intended for PhD students and ESR/young researchers to visit other research groups in order to acquire new expertise, to contribute their expertise to particular projects, and to exchange ideas within participating institutions. STSMs will help PhD students and early-stage researchers to develop contacts and collaborators. STMSs will be organized as short visits, typically of few weeks, but exceptionally of longer duration, between participating sites.
The following table shows the scenarios available to eligible STSM applicants:
Home Institution |
Host Institution |
From a Participating COST Country |
To another Participating COST Country |
To an approved NNC institution |
To an approved IPC institution |
To an approved EC / EU |
From an approved NNC institution |
To a Participating COST Country |
From an approved European RTD Organisation |
To a Participating COST Country |
MC: Action Management Committee
NNC : Near Neighbour Country
IPC : International Partner Country
EC: European Commission
EU: European Union
European RTD Organisation : European research and Development Organisation
The evaluation of STSM applications is performed by the MC. Tha Action Chair (or Vice Chair if the Action Chair is affiliated of the Grant Holder Institution) or rhe appointed STSM Coordinator / Commitee can assume the responsibility if the MC formally gives them the mandate to act on their behalf. The evaluation criteria defined by the MC should be communicated in advance to all potential applicants.
cHiPSeT will organize about 30 STSMs overall (about 10 STSMs per year)
STSM Coordinator: Juan Carlos Burguillo-Rial, University of Vigo, Spain