Upload your video

Shoot a video that shows your appreciation for participation in a cHiPSet  ICT COST Action and tells how much it means to you!

We’ll make a video based on all received recordings from project members, and we’ll present it as a summary of the action during the WG meeting in Vilnius.

Take your camera or whatever you want (record from a laptop, smartphone) and just tell us

What did cHiPSet give you?

Why not express your gratitude with a “thank you” video?  Shoot the perfect one and upload it using the form below!

  1. The orientation of  your video should be horizontal;
  2. Speak loudly – It’s worth to use a microphone that comes with your headset;
  3. Set the correct resolution: 1920×1080 (Full HD);
  4. Please record a video in the appropriate format – we accept mov, mp4, avi format, max to 50 MB;
  5. Keep it short – make sure the video is focused;
  6. Remember exactly what you’re thankful for – be specific about the positive developments in your organization and how your funders or customers contribute;
  7. Show the impact of your supporters.
  8. Make the video come across as heartfelt

Upload video




22dn of March  2019 is the last day to upload the video before the WG meeting in Vilnius. After that time upload video will be unavailable. 

Please feel free to contact in case of any query by email send to adrian.widlak@pk.edu.pl and mateusz.nytko@pk.edu.pl.