Collaboration of cHiPSet and BDVA

The Action Chair – Prof. Joanna Kolodziej – represented cHiPSet during the bilateral meeting with BDVA management team organized as a part of the Study visit to Brussels on “Big Data for transformation into Industry 4.0” on  21st – 22nd March 2017 . The first contact with BDVA ( was made during the BDVA summit in Valencia in December 2016. The draft of the roadmap of cHiPSet-BDVA joint activities has been defined. Both BDVA and cHiPSet are complimentary networks in such roadmap. That plan includes the preparation of the joint publication which can be promoted as EU document. BDVA declared aslo  to support the cHiPSet members in the work on case studies.. also the members of our consotium are invited to join BDVA. To our best knowledge, this seems to be the first such collaboration of the Cost Action with BDVA. BDVA representatives have been invited to  participate in the cHiPSet WG meeting in Lisbon planned for November 2017. The Action Chair has been also invited to joint the forthcomming BDVA summit in the end of November 2017.