Digital Transformation: Informatics Systems Industry Timeliness

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017  cHiPSet was promoted at the session “Digital Transformation: Informatics Systems Industry Timeliness”. That  session was promoted by the Portuguese Engineers Association (“Ordem dos Engenheiros”), taking the opportunity that the CHipSet meeting was being hosted by this association together with FCT/UNL. The Action Chair – Joanna Kolodziej – talked about the European research, COST and its role for the society and technology transfer, contributing to a live discussion with a large audience at the “Ordem dos Engenheiros” main auditorium. The other institutions were represented by keynotes, like companies, regulators and governmental organizations, such as: Infrastructures of Portugal (IP), ITS-Portugal, Mobility and Transports Authority (AMT), Lisbon Municipality (CML) and A-to-Be/Brisa Engineering.