Horacio Gonzalez-Velez, cHiPSet vice-chair, carried out a dissemination activity in the form of a keynote talk at the 21st IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering held at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers of the University Politehnica of Bucharest on 29th October 2018 https://cse2018.hpc.pub.ro/keynote-speakers/. Entitled “Beyond Fast and Furious: Smart approaches to data-intensive parallel programming”, the talk centred on why large data-intensive multiprocessing systems have long posed a challenge to known distributed systems programming techniques as a result of the inherent heterogeneity and dynamism of their resources. It presented some ideas on how to exploit the structure and behaviour of data-intensive parallel applications to efficiently allocate dispersed computational resources taking into account non-functional requirements. It also discussed some lessons learned from the work in cHiPSet http://chipset-cost.eu/.